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How to lose weight? 6 ways to lose weight fast at home.

Overweight is a much more bigger problem of the world . According to 'WHO' In 2022, 1 in 8 people in the world were living with obesity. In 2022, 2.5 billion adults (18 years and older) were overweight. Of these, 890 million were living with obesity.
In 2022, 37 million children under the age of 5 were overweight.
Over 390 million children and adolescents aged 5–19 years were overweight in 2022, including 160 million who were living with obesity.

Disadvantages of  overweight or obesity:-

                                Overweight held when unnecessary fat deposit in our body . Overweight is a chronic complex disease define by unnecessary fat deposit that can damage health .
Overweight or obesity can lead increased two types of problem   • Type 2 Diabetis
                                  • Heart disease , 
It can effect bone health and reproduction .

It's increasing the risk of fixed cancer and it affects quality living such as sleep and many things in our life. 

6 ways to lose weight fast at home:-

Loosing of weight is not a one day work it's regular deciple work. Whenever we deit regularly we will surely lose our overweight in online 4 weeks at homa with natural resources and activities. There are some ways to loss weight at home:-

1) low fat and carb diet :-   

A low-fat diet, as the name suggests, is a nutritional plan that focuses on reducing the consumption of fats, particularly saturated and trans fats.                            
Simarly low carbs diet is also a  better diet option for over weighted people . Crabs means carbohydrates it is a type of a micro nutrients
Which is more essential for human body. It's help to change glucose to energy in your body.
But when we take more carbohydrates then it's started store and cause to a obesity. 

The mistake you must avoid is limiting your carbs and calories at night . Night-time dieting causes carving,binges,and even decreased metabolism.

Then we try to eat carbohydrates in a limited manner. There are some major low carbs and low fat food given below:-

1) coconut:- 

Raw coconut helps you lose weight. It is a great snack that curbs those hunger pangs. Plus, it is known to keep the cholesterol level in check. The triglycerides present in coconut are known to burn body fat faster and suppress appetite. That’s why, a 2018 study published in PLOS ONE says that it makes for a good choice when it comes to a low-fat diet.

Also, it might just give you a chiseled jawline since chewing it is a great way to work out those facial muscles.

2) Leafy green vegetables:-  

Several times we hear with us parents that eat leafy green vegetables more than junk food that's why is reach source of fiber, folate, and carotenoids and also of vitamins. It's a low carbs 
Product that helps in loose Weights and good resource of fiber that's also a better nutritional for weight loss . 

There are some major example of leafy green vegetables:-

•Broccoli :-


• Kale :- 

• Spinach:-

  • Collard greens :-

2) Physical work and exercise:-

Physical work and exercise is much more important for those persons who wants to lose his overweight. If you want to lose weight so it is necessary that you burn more calories to lose your weight if you regularly done some physical activity and exercises in a disciplined manner than you lose your weight very much and when you she yourself after 4 weeks you she this result . There are some major physical work and exercises that are play important roles in your weight loss:-

 1)Stamina excercise:- 

Stamina or cardio exercise it is important for your cardiovascular fitness . In this exercise swiming, running ,or playing of any sports are the types of   stamina exercises in this exercise you heart rate increases and your body burn much more calories compare of any other exercises.

But at home you cannot do any swimming and running like exercise so then you take some different stamina exercises that are push-ups,
Jumping jack, mountain climber,squats,burpee , high knee, wall sit , jogging etc that's are helpful for your weightloss .

2)streching exercises :-

They are very useful for your flexibility and your loss weight . They include yoga ,Hamstring stretch,Piriformis stretch,Quadriceps stretch ,Standing calf stretch,Shoulder stretch, Chest stretch, Cobra, Butterfly stretch, Leg swings, Chin to chest stretch, Reclined twist, Biceps stretch, 
Downward Dog Pose etc that are some types of streching exercises that help us to lossing our weight weight . If you want to lose weight then you should done some of these exercises regularly in disciple manner. 

There are some yoga aasan to help in your weight loss :- 

• Bow pose (Dhanurasana):- 

• Sun salutation (Surya Namaskar):-

3) Drinking water and green- tea :-

If you think that drinking water is not necessary for weight loss then you are wrong , the research of "Johns Hopkins University" said that the drinking of water can help with weight loss in a variety of ways . It may supress your appetite, boost your metabolism,and make exercise easier and more efficient ,all of which could contribute to result on his scale.

 While no one's saying you'll wake up lighter simply by sipping water before bed (or any other time of day), evidence supports the water–weight loss connection: After all, 60% of your body is composed of water, meaning that the clear, calorie-free liquid plays a role in just about every bodily function. The more hydrated you are, research suggests, the more efficiently your body works at tasks that range from thinking to burning body fat.

Green tea has several health benefits that make it perfect to include in your healthy diet to promote weight loss and stay in shape. 

The research of"national library of medicine" said that drinking four cups of green tea per day, may help weight control, and may help to prevent hypertension in diabetic patients.

4)Eat reach fiber breakfast:-

Breakfast is consider the most important meal of the whole day . Because of is first meal for body after a long fast . The hight fiber breakfast help you in your lossing of weight because high fiber breakfast in carbs . 

If you want to lose weight quickly begin your day with a bowl of rolled oats cereals from whole grains along with healthy nuts and seeds.

5) Add protien reach nutrition in your food :- 
Nutrients that body needs for muscular growth but it also help in our weight loss protein intake raises a level of satiating hormones while lowering the level of hunger hormones it is also useful for increasing muscle mass .

Increasing calories expenditure regulation glucose burn and refusing the desire to eat late night at the same time eating too much protein can destruct your weight loss programme so eat in moderation some protein rich food .

6) Drinking of decoction at morning:-
         Devotions at morning time is a best ayurvedic medicine for your weightloss. A perfect recipe of decoction I share with you to below:- 
   • 1 tsp - CUMIN( jira)

   • 1 tsp - Thyme( ajwain)

   • 1 inc -Cinnamon( dalchini tukda )
   • 1 cm Ginger piece

   •  half piece lemon

   • half tsp- Honey 

How to make:- 
Step :01:- first we take 1 tsp cumin ,1 tsp thyme ,1 inch Cinnamon then we damping both in water then keep it overnight. 

Step 02:- at the morning in the water boil with 1 cm cut piece of ginger piece.

Step 03:- after when ginger boil in water then add half piece lemon juice and half tsp honey

Step 04:- drink it 

When you did this work regularly then after  1 month you can see the profit . 



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